Online Registration FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Regional Coordinator vs. Delegate

Be sure you understand the difference between the roles of Regional Coordinator and Delegate. The Regional Coordinator is the person who creates all the online registration accounts for CWSF 2003 participants from your region, including the Delegate, Alternate(s) if any, and Finalists. The Regional Coordinator is not a participant in the fair so this role has a very small profile to complete and does not have Emergency Contact info or Tour selection.

The first account you create is the Delegate. If you are both the Delegate and Regional Coordinator, and you enter the same email address that was used for your Regional Coordinator registration, you will receive a warning in red - "There are existing users with same email address or name." This is just a warning. A list appears below this message to show you the existing user (which should be you). Click the Assign Role to Existing User button and you will also be the delegate. The next time you log in, choose from the menu whether you want to be the Regional Coordinator or Delegate for that
session, then click the Select button. If you choose Delegate, you will be able to complete My Profile as the Delegate, including Emergency Contact Info, and you will be able to complete your Tour Signup.

2. Problems Logging in through Hotmail

If you or someone in your region is having trouble logging in, check to see if they are trying to access the site through Hotmail. People with Hotmail accounts cannot log in if they access the login page by clicking the link in the email they received in Hotmail. If they do, they will enter their correct Email and Password, but get an "Invalid credentials" error when they click Login. These users must enter the address for the login page - - directly into the address bar of their browser. Then the login will work fine.

3. Correcting errors made by the Regional Coordinator

If you realize that you made an error entering the basic information (including email address, name, grade, school and gender) for a Delegate, Alternate or Finalist, there are 2 good ways to fix this. The first is to go to Manage Participants and click the Edit button beside their name. You will be able to change the information, BUT in order to get to the Submit button on the fourth panel, you will have to enter at least the required information (items with red asterisks) on each panel before you can proceed to the next panel. At the fourth panel you can click Submit and the changes will be saved. The second good way is to let the participant know you made an error and let him/her correct it when they log in to enter their info. You can delete the participant, but only their role gets deleted. If you re-enter them with the same email address, you will receive the duplicate person warning. If you recreate the person, they retain the incorrect information you entered in the first place, you you're much better to use one of the other two strategies.

4. Entering School Information

Last year, finalists entered their own school information. Why is the Regional Coordinator doing it this year? There are often 2 or more Finalists from one school on a Regional team. Having the data entered once means less data entry for each Finalist (they have a Project Report and Abstract to
focus on) and it means that there is only one record for each school, entered by an adult who is responsible for the accuracy. School contact information entered multiple times by different participants last year rarely matched and was useless as a result.

5. Finalists don't see all the awards that are in the Booklet

YSF Online only shows finalists the awards for which they are eligible, based on their division and category, so there are some awards in the Finalist Booklet that they won't see. This is normal. The most common "missing" awards are the EIC Award for Juniors and the Canadian Council of
Professional Engineers Award for Intermediates. These are only open to projects in the Engineering division.

6. Finalists can't share an email address

Every user in the system must have a unique email address. If a finalist doesn't have an email address it takes about 2 minutes to create one at Yahoo or Hotmail. There is no way around this. The email address is the unique identifier for each person in the system.

7. Registration closes April 30th - Why so late?

For some, this is late; for others, it's early. There are a few Regional Fairs that take place as late as April 27th. April 30th is a date that gives YSF and the Host Committee 10 days to organize everything from nametags to judging and certificates, while accommodating those fairs that have to be
held in late April.

8. Tour choices wouldn't save

We did find two small problems with the tour assignment module that caused the tour preferences for a small group of participants to be saved incorrectly. This has now been fixed and each of the affected users has been notified by email to log in and reset their tour preferences.

9. Saving Award Nominations generates a Server Error

Users of the system during the first 24 hours of operation encountered this situation. This has been fixed.

10. I get a Javascript error when I try to log in

This will happen if you attempt to log in from an older browser. The YSF Online system is intended to be used with Internet Explorer 5 or higher and Netscape 6 or higher on Windows or Macintosh. If your browser is older than this, you may not be able to use the system.

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